Sexual Transmutation(NoFap): How to Transmute Sexual Energy




Everything You Need To Know About Sex Transmutation And NoFap


I first came to understand that sexual energy could be harnessed for other purposes many years ago through the wildly popular book, Think and Grow Rich.






Published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, the book became an instant hit and is one of the best-selling personal development books of all time with over 20 million copies sold.






For the book, Hill interviewed 500 of the wealthiest men of his time over 20 years and distilled 13 principles responsible for their extraordinary success and wealth.






One of the principles was sexual transmutation, to which he devoted a whole chapter in the book, describing how many of these men channeled their sexual energy to achieve success and accumulate riches.






In the book he says,






“Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact, that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches”






However, funnily enough, the chapter perhaps aptly titled “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation”, made absolutely no mention of how to channel sexual energy into other areas of one’s life and left it as a mystery.






Fortunately, a couple of years ago, while I was on a three-month solo trip around India, I came to experience the power of sexual transmutation quite by accident and unbeknownst to me at the time.






I started to experience some significant changes in my life halfway through the trip, and even later once the trip was over. I knew some of these changes had nothing to do with my experiences while travelling. However, I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly was the cause of these changes either. But more on that later.






In this blog post, I’d like to share with you ancient knowledge known for thousands of years, yet ironically remains unknown to most of the population in the information age.






What happens when you transmute (sublimate) your sexual energy? Who are the famous people in history who practiced sexual transmutation? What is the process of injaculation? To find the answers to all these and more, I encourage you to stick till the end of this article.






Note: This article is written primarily with the male reader in mind. But make no mistake, sexual transmutation works for women just as it does for men. ( I have provided some resources for women as well in this post)








How To Transmute Sexual Energy






Transmuting your sexual energy, at its most potent form, involves abstaining from all sexual activity or content, whether it is sex, masturbation or pornography and harnessing this energy for other endeavours.






You must understand that transmuting sexual energy has nothing to do with repressing or fighting this energy, which is unwise and not advisable. Trying to repress this energy will only lead to frustration.






As Napoleon Hill says in the book,






“A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort, it will find a less positive, less productive outlet.”






Channeling your sexual energy towards your goals and creative pursuits is the key.






Energy cannot be destroyed. In the case of men, when semen is retained, it is absorbed back into the body to nourish the higher energy centres (chakras), nervous system, and the brain.






While undertaking the process of transmuting your sexual energy, it is highly recommended to complement it with the practice of daily meditation and physical exercise/yoga.






Doing this will ensure that the sexual energy circulates upwards, and does not remain concentrated on the sex chakra/ genitals in which case sexual urges can get stronger.



Some other practices for raising and circulating the sexual energy upwards include,




  • Deep breathing exercises / Pranayama

  • Yogic techniques (such as Ashwini Mudra, Root Lock, Mula bandha to circulate the sexual energy)

  • Microcosmic Orbit (an ancient Taoist technique for circulating energy)

  • Visualisation






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Why Sexual Energy Is Powerful And Precious








“The vital essence, or sexual fluid, contains a high concentration of prana. If not dissipated, the power therein can be used to enhance physical health, mental vitality, creativity, and spiritual development”. - Paramahansa Yogananda






The ancient Eastern cultures recognised a subtle invisible form of energy that permeates all things in nature.






It was referred to as Prana in India, Chi by the Chinese culture and Ki by the Japanese. In English, this is referred to as life-force energy.






Prana provides us with energy and nourishment and is present in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. In our body it is present in its most concentrated form in men’s semen and women’s menstrual blood.






In Ayurveda, one drop of semen is said to be made from 40 drops of blood. Similarly, Tibetan medicine says that it takes one cup of the vital essence of blood to produce one drop of the vital essence of semen.”






Western medicine says that Semen has over 200 different proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s a treasure chest of nutrients that the body and mind need to perform at its best. By this measure, semen is even more precious than blood!






The NoFap Movement






Today, thanks to the NoFap community on the internet, an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the power of their sexual energy.






In 2011, Alexander Rhodes, a young programmer in U.S.A, came across a study on the website Reddit which revealed that men who refrained from masturbation for seven days experienced a 45.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day.






He decided to abstain from all sexual activity for a period and started noticing considerable changes in his life. He founded the NoFap community to encourage others to do the same.






Today the NoFap has more than 600,000 members, with 5% of its members being women.






Some of the benefits most commonly reported by its members and ones I’ve experienced myself include:






The Benefits of Sexual Transmutation (Nofap)




  • Increased energy

  • Improved mood

  • Increase in motivation

  • Boost in confidence and courage

  • More willpower

  • More focus and mental clarity

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  • Increase in testosterone (for men)

  • Better self-control and discipline

  • Deeper meditations

  • Better singing voice ( As a singer, I'm not kidding about this one)







During this time, I also began to hear from people that they could feel a powerful positive energy in my presence. Some said they noticed a glow in my face and a sparkle in my eyes (I had never received such comments before).






On a personal level, the practice of sexual transmutation changed many things for me. For a long time, I had difficulty in accepting myself for who I was. I also had the habit of seeking my sense of respect from those outside of me.






After a few months of sexual transmutation, these things began to change, and I started loving myself more deeply than ever, and it bought about a feeling of completeness within myself.






I also began to drastically reduce my concern about what others thought of me and my actions, something which held me back and limited me in the past.






It was only months after my solo trip ended, when I stumbled upon the NoFap community and its benefits, that I finally made sense of the changes I began to experience in myself.






Now what’s interesting was that these changes weren’t unique to me, but were common among the members of NoFap community who practised sexual transmutation.






Sexual Transmutation(NoFap) For Women








In this video, YouTuber, Kristel, talks in detail about the significant impact NoFap/Sexual transmutation has had on her life.



How Long Does It Take to See the Benefits of Practicing Sexual Transmutation






A couple of people to whom I’d suggested taking up the practice of sexual transmutation said they began experiencing some of the benefits like increased motivation and more energy in less than ten days.






The timeline of when some of these benefits start to appear will differ from people to people. However, if you choose to abstain for a period upwards of two months, you will undoubtedly start to see and experience the positive effects of this practice.






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Famous People Who Practiced Sexual Transmutation (NoFap)






Some of the people who practised sexual transmutation are some of the most famous figures throughout history. The list includes some of the greatest philosophers, athletes, businessmen, politicians, writers, artists, musicians, inventors and scientists of all-time.


Mahatma Gandhi






Well aware of the power of conserving one’s vital energies, Gandhi took a vow of Brahmacharya/celibacy in 1906, when he was 38 years old.






Incredibly candid in his books and writings on the subject of sex transmutation, he opined that "One who conserves his vital fluid acquires unfailing power.”








Steve Jobs






Steve Jobs’ former girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan revealed in her book The Bite in the Apple, that Jobs’ would channel his sexual energy towards his work and didn’t want to climax to “build power and wealth by conserving [his] vital energies.”








Muhammad Ali






Ali would reportedly go up to 2 months without climaxing in preparation for a fight. In his autobiography, he narrates a quote from Olympic boxing coach Harry Wiley.






There’s a kid just come down here named Cassius Clay.(Ali’s name before he converted to Islam). If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ‘cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. . . Any kid who can control [it] can win the title. I believe it.








Sir Issac Newton






Widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all-time, Newton willingly remained celibate his entire life.






He said “The way to chastity is not to struggle directly with incontinent thoughts, but to avert your thoughts with some other employment, by reading or meditating on other things, or by converse, for he who is always thinking of chastity will always be thinking of women.”














The ancient Greek philosopher was credited with many mathematical and scientific discoveries and was the man behind Pythagorean theorem.






Pythagoras established a community that set a premium on study, vegetarianism, and sexual restraint or abstinence. He said “the loss of semen was dangerous, hard to control and both physically and spiritually exhausting…”






The other famous Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, also shared similar views on sexuality.






Sir Winston Churchill






Britain’s most famous Prime Minister and acclaimed writer (winner of Nobel Prize in Literature) exclaimed that “The reason that I can write so much is that I don't waste my essence(semen) in the bedroom."












The 7-time Grammy Award winner and one of the best-selling music artists of all time (sold over 130 million records), was a practitioner of sexual transmutation. This is what he said in an interview regarding the subject,






"Yeah, I'm celibate. Well, it's all physical; all of that then turns into other things. Libido is energy. I go back and forth. It's like fasting: it's a practice and you get better at it over time, you know, but no one is perfect … With fasting, after four days, you don't want food anymore. You've got this thing that says ‘feed me, feed me,’ and then when it realizes it's not going to get fed, it goes away."








Miles Davis One of the biggest names in Jazz history and voted as the greatest Jazz artist of all time, Miles Davis was vocal about the importance of conserving one’s sexual energy.






“You can't come [cum], then fight or play. You can't do it. When I get ready to come, I come. But I do not come and play (jazz). You give up all your energy when you come. I mean, you give up all of it!”








Special Mentions: It is rumoured that Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo were both single and remained celibates their entire life and channeled their sexual energy into their spectacular artistic creations.








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