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Labour Parties "Kevin Bonavia" Interview

Powerful Conversation Between local mindset coach & freeconomy charity to discuss actions not just promises. Offering support to MP not just a vote! 


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"Exciting times for Stevenage!"

🗳️ Neil Hammond-Quaye and Marco Massimino Defelice had the privilege to interview Kevin Bonavia, our newly elected Labour leader, just before the big win. 🌟 In our conversation, we discussed his vision for a goal-focusin and thriving local economy, discussing freeconomy. Check out the full interview to hear about freeconomy & Goal-Focusin along with Kevin Bonavia’s Labour parties plans and promises for our community.


Let’s work together for a brighter future!

Welcome And Congratulation!

You have found a place to Grow, Share, Heal, Learn, Love and Give if you wish to change? We can help you reach your life dream's if your willing to put in some simple action? Just here to have fun? There's plenty of that on as well! Wish to reach out? Reaching out is Where we contact someone we wouldn't normally which opens up new opportunities to us which is a fantastic way to create new friends learn new skills and succeed in life. Along with sharing our skills, products, talents, services and supportive balance in life.

Mental health support Our aim is to spread positivity and Love to all and promote and support as many people as we can. We are Copy Writing Mentor's, with Digital creation mindset coaching expertise, while working to raise money and support charity events and people who take part in charity events. We offer free Ebooks and Personnal Development Programs along with sign posting people to specialist services that are in need of HELP!

Faith in a Higher Power is the most important thing in Marco's life. He attributes all his strength determination and success to believing in a divine reason for all that's sent to him. Learning from pain and exercising gratitude in rewards. Spending all his time fighting Anxiety, PTSD and Panic attacks Marco Massimino speaks of how he sees this as a gift, steering him in a divine direction away from his normal hard working money orintated driven life. Living in financial coedependancy, a soulless existsence going down a rabbit hole leading to certain Death or Prision through fear anger and resentment.

Having to face a list of things that many will not recover from if they were to face 1 of these advertities. Marco believes he has been debilitated from working 9-5 to be able to be flexible with his healthy time periods throughout day to spread Hope Faith and Courage among the "children of God" he calls us. 

Marco Massimino says "People judge and think your perfectly healthy because your strong, funny, and can smile, and create and press on". This stereo typical low vibrational opinion needs to change. Is someone with cancer not aloud to laugh and smile? If a person is sick do they have to tell everyone every minute of day to justify that for on lookers? Marco's answer was extremely humble and power full. He replied "People see what they want to see and that's their truth. Yet God knows the real truth and no one can hide from that".


Hope Intouch

MPowered by Goal-Focusin

Creator and Founder of the MPower Team Keith Timewell gives us his humble Backstory.

Co-Founder of the MPower Team Family Marco Massimino Defelice is taken back by the All Saints Church communities reaction to his Spiritual speech along with BBC representive Julia ------personal experience of the speech saying "You spoke to my very soul I've never heard anything like this in my life it rang so true to me..."

Goal-Focusin on Building the MPower Team is an on going thing.

Want to know more.......

We invite you to "Dare To Dream" and subscribe to our YouTube channel to gain access to important information and get to know the MPower Team. Driven by "Goal-Focusin

"Hope Intouch" written Author Keith Timewell's legacy and life long dream to give back to humanity after a life of extreme emotional and physical trauma. Maintaining fighting gentle spirit and developing in mind and body to be able to give this gift to humanity.


keith is a gentle kind man who wants to give his Millions to the right people when he dies. After Dying and waking in hospital with a second chance. Keith Timewell openly shares how a higher power entered his being on his return to this human condition. With this divine spiritual insite to life Keith Timewell writes books and teaches people mindset conditioning to "MPower" them to a new way of life. 


Goal-Focusin has been given control of Keith Timewell's Legacy as a gift of Hope and Faith. Promising to carry on the charitable movement and continue to help people in all areas of life find their truth and spread love, faith and kindness. 

want to know more?


Current Charitable Exercise

Click to support



Founder of Goal-Focusin Marco Massimino Defelice is taking part in the 100 Press-ups a day throughout April 2024 for McMillan Cancer Suport Charity.

We are so Proud of our founder who has completed the financial target on day 18! of his charity commitment!

Marco suffers with 3 health conditions debilitating him  daily, effecting his ability to work full time. The passion and focus he is demonstrating is so humbling to see as if you knew his truth, you would see his strength lies in far more than just a few push-ups. This man is one of the strongest minds I have met, in the form of determination and discipline when he is well... Even stronger when he is unwell... An amazing Man with a vision to help others even when he is suffering him self so much daily. He puts on such a show for his onlookers. Marco Teaches us to continue "Goal-Focusin" on our futures and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to show the results of discipline, focus, action, flexibility, determination. Inspiring our team of volenteer's to be the best version of their selves, and pass the gift on to all they meet. 

Fantastic! You have made it to

Let’s get started!

We bring successful valued products and services into one place, connecting people with honest educated businesses minds throughout multiple service sectors. If this wasn't enough we also offer a Personal Development program to mentor people into becoming successful and making life changing decisions and actions to continue on a fantastic journey of what we call a spiritual awakening. This is not a religious sales pitch far from it! We are focused on tuning our minds to a healthier way of living, to enable us to be the most rewarding fantastic version of ourselves, enabling us all to develop and accomplish life goals.


 Once referred to by Goal Focusin. Our Partners in business offer reductions on prices along with award winning services. Helping our customers move forwards in their ideas and Goals with a compliant approach with value for money. Ensuring projects and needs are facilitated with little to no stress.

We are here to promote personal development and positive mental health recovery. Our tasks are setup to build you up in confidence spiritually, mentally and financially.
We accept donations to fund our missions. Our Goal is to build people’s faith in their selves and in the higher power God how ever you wish to interpret it/him/her. As you grow you will start to release from fear and anxiety around all areas of your lives.
You can change your life!

We are run by volunteers as an experimental project to give back to the communities. Donation help fund any expenses, along with large donations being given to charities and local churches when targets have been made.

We are "Goal Focusin"

Show Casing 

"The Pines Studio"

Reformer Pilates

Goal Focusin are extremely proud to support a personal friend who is setting up in business and living their dream! The Pines Studios is Goal Focusin on giving back to the community and help people of all ages and capabilities maintain fit and healthy minds and bodies.

Opening soon please contact The Pines Studio through the link above to arrange an appointment, viewing or to recieve more information on Reformer Pilates.